Don’t Copy others who are not doing the Right Thing, Cleric to  Gov. Mutfwang

Our Reporter

Governor Caleb Mutfwang has been advised to try to be different in steering the ship of administration in Plateau State.

He has also been urged to fix his eyes on Jesus Christ and focus on the word of God.

Rev. Silas Yako advised in a sermon he delivered at the Interdenominational thanksgiving service held in Jos, to mark the first year in office of Governor Caleb Mutfwang-led administration in Plateau State.

Speaking on the topic “Thanksgiving as a lifestyle,” the cleric explained that thanksgiving to God means “forgetting not,” as according to him, the spirit of thanksgiving is not “taught but it is caught,” stating that thanksgiving entails dedicating, demarcating ones-self to God and demonstrating His will through one’s life.”

Governor Caleb Mutfwang of Plateau State

Taking his reading from Romans 12:1-2, Psalms 103:1-2, 50:14-15 and several other scripture references, Rev. Yako emphasized that since Thanksgiving is a lifestyle, it is not a once-in-a-year event where people gather to give thanks rather it should be always.

The cleric admonished Christians to always cast their cares on God by surrendering all their problems to God as according to him, believers forfeit their peace whenever they carry burdens in life.

He posited that where people fail to give thanks, they are bound to grumble and complain and cited the story of the Israelites who wandered in the wilderness for 40 years resulting in the death of many generations.

While admonishing Gov. Mutfwang to stand firm, the cleric said, “Don’t let the world squeeze you into its mould. Don’t copy other politicians. Don’t copy other governors that are not doing what is right. Don’t copy other people of other faiths that are not standing for righteousness because righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. Stand on righteousness and holiness.

Rev Silas Yako-Delivered the Sermon at the Interdenominational Thanksgiving in Jos

“Come out from among them. Do what will please and honour God. Your Excellency, maintain the tempo and increase the momentum through a life of separation, consecration, and a life of having a pure heart and thoughts.

“You have achieved much because you have fixed your eyes on Jesus. If you remove your eyes from Jesus, you will end up in the bush and deep waters. Do not ignore sin in your life.”

While cautioning the governor against being careless, Rev. Yako said, “You might have started very well where God has placed you in this position. Remember, David didn’t plan to fall but he became careless. He became idle, casual, impulsive and callous, so he failed.

“He was supposed to be on the war front, but he relaxed at home. He didn’t plan to fall into sin, but because he was careless, he fell into sin.

“You may be very powerful and strong, you may have started very well but if you don’t stand firm in the same area of your strength, people will squeeze you into their moulds. Live a life that will honour God,” he stated.

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