GMFB Acquires 50 Motorcycles for NSCDC Staff

By Ralph Madugu

In its effort to always support its customers in terms of asset acquisition, Gowans Microfinance Bank Limited, GMFB, has acquired and handed over 50 Boxer branded motorcycles to the Plateau State Command of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps Staff Investment and Credit Society to ease the transportation problems of members.

Presenting the motorcycles in Jos, Plateau State, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Gowans Microfinance Bank Limited, Mrs. Hauwa Kassim, said the launch was a result of years of partnership that had existed between the bank and the NSCDC Staff Investment and Credit Society since 2021.

Boxer Motorcycles Acquired By Gowans

Mrs. Kassim said, “We have partnered with the Cooperative and they have been our customers since 2021. We have had various transactions together. This makes it the fourth.

“We have had successful transactions and they have been faithful in repayment of all loan facilities given them. And that is why we are having a repeat transaction.”

While reiterating the bank’s commitment to helping its customers acquire assets that would add value to their lives, Mrs. Kassim assured that GMFB would welcome and continue to support any cooperative or organization willing to secure loan facility for its staff or members.

According to her, the hire purchase was among the many facilities the bank grants to customers.

She added that the initiative was a means for customers to acquire assets that could add value to their lives.

ECWA Vice President Inspecting one of the Motorcycles

Receiving the motorcycles, the President of the NSCDC Staff Investment and Credit Society Limited, Mr. Pam Samuel Moses paid tribute to the past leaders of the group who started the partnership with GMFB.

He said, “Since we became partners we are better today. Since we became a cooperative, we have never been able to make available this kind of facility to our members, but this partnership has made it possible.

“Our prayer is that the relationship would continue to wax stronger and stronger.”

The NSCDC Staff Investment and Credit Society President charged the beneficiaries to use the motorcycles to preach the gospel in line with the goals of ECWA.

“As you use the motorcycles, use it to bless and not curse. Let people get to know Christ. Use it with caution because you are law enforcement agents. Use it and be different others.”

Managing Director of Gowans, Mrs. Kassim alongside a Board Member, Barr. Joseph Danboyi, Handing Over the Keys to the Official of the NSCDC Staff Investment and Credit Society

In a goodwill message, ECWA Vice President, Rev. Stephen Ajise, reiterated the need for more patronage from ECWA churches and organizations and reassured the management of GMFB of the support of the ECWA executive.

Earlier in his remarks, Board Chairman of GMFB, Mr.  Panyi Polandu, congratulated the NSCDC Staff Investment and Credit Society Limited for what he described as the “giant initiative” to provide members with succour and relief in transportation.

He tasked other organizations to emulate the NSCDC by leveraging on some of these opportunities.

One of the beneficiaries, Inspector Wajal Bulus who spoke to Today’s Challenge, said “We are thankful to the Staff Investment and Credit Society for the initiative and we pray that they would keep up this good gesture.”

ECWA Executive in a group picture with the officials of the NSCDC and representatives of some heads of Departments

Highpoint of the event was the dedication by the ECWA Vice President, Rev. Stephen Ajise, alongside the ECWA General Secretary, Rev. Ayuba Asheshe, and the Acting Assistant General Secretary, Rev. Ishaku Yaro.

The event also featured goodwill messages from representatives of heads of other companies, departments, and ECWA, Bukuru DCC.

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