Plateau NUJ Comes to the Aid of Victims of Mangu Attacks

By Ralph Madugu

More humanitarian aid has come the way of victims of the recent attacks in Mangu LGA of Plateau State, courtesy the Plateau State Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ.

As a way of demonstrating that the members of the pen profession were with the victims, the NUJ donated food stuff, toiletries and clothing materials worth thousands of naira to the paramount ruler of the Mwaghavul nation, Da John Putmang Hirse, for onward distribution to the victims are currently taking shelter in various camps across the state.

Leading the NUJ delegation to the Mishkaham Mwaghavul, Chairman of the Council, Comrade Paul Jatau, said the Union members deemed it necessary to come and show sympathy to the Mwaghavul nation and all others that had been “under siege.”

He said: “We are here to show our sympathy to the Mwagahvul nation and all those who have been under siege by people who are not happy with our state and do not want the well-being of our state.

“We thought that as journalists who have been reporting these issues and have seen the suffering of our people, we decided to come with our widow’s mite to show our sympathy to your royal highness and the people back home.

NUJ Chairman Speaking during the Visit to the Mishkaham Mwaghavul

“We have therefore, come to identify with the Mwaghavul nation and to sympathize with those who have lost their loved ones and property.”

The NUJ Chairman who described the attacks as needless, hence should be stopped, he assured the Mishkaham that the Mwaghavul nation was not alone but that the NUJ is with the people.

“We have come to let you know that we are with you, we are with the people and we feel their pains. We believe that these items would ameliorate the sufferings of the victims.”

Receiving the NUJ delegation, the Mishkaham Mwaghavul, Da John Putmang Hirse, said: “It is a great day in the life of the Mwaghavul nation that the whole NUJ are here to condole us over what has happened to us as a nation and as Mangu Local Government as a whole.”

The paramount ruler, who was in company of some officials of the Mwaghavul Development Association (MDA), said that the attacks came to the Mwaghavul nation as a shock, noting that though there had been happening in other areas in the state, the case of Mangu had been “more devastating” as according to him, almost all villages had been destroyed.

Chief Musa Pwul receiving the items from Paul Jatau, the NUJ Chairman

“What has been happening to us in Mangu LGA and with what has been happening in some other places in the state, ours is more devastating because almost all our villages have been destroyed. I believe you as journalists have gone there to see what has happened.”

The paramount ruler lamented that it was surprising because they could not explain why it was happening, knowing that the people have been living peacefully with the Fulanis.

“Mangu LGA has been known as a peaceful LGA. Mwaghavul people are known as peace loving. What has happened has taken us by surprised. We least expected it but we have to find a way of healing the wounds and get to live in peace. There is nothing like peace because it is the only thing that can guarantee progress.”

While commending the NUJ members for the donation, the traditional ruler charged them to rise up to the challenge of reporting the truth of the situation in Mangu.

“It is you, journalists that can tell the world what is happening. Tell the world the truth of the situation and nobody else.

“Tell the world the truth and nothing but the truth. Don’t be sentimental but be objective in your reports. Fear God Almighty and report accurately as it is.

“Mr. Chairman, we thank you most sincerely for not only coming to condole us but donating relief materials which would go a long way to help our people,” he said.

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