Strengthen your Community Defense Mechanisms and be on the Alert, PIDAN Urges Plateau Communities

By Ralph Madugu

Following the sustained attacks on communities and villages in Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State, the Plateau Initiative for the Development and Advancement of the Natives, PIDAN, has called on the people of the state to strengthen their “community defense mechanisms and be on the alert,” urging them to “learn to question and report suspicious persons and movements” and avoid harbouring unknown persons and of questionable characters among them.

In a statement issued in the wake of unabated attacks on communities across Mangu LGA, and signed by PIDAN Ist Vice President, Sir. Patrick Gamde and Secretary General, Comrade Nanle Gujor, PIDAN said: “We should strengthen our community defense mechanisms and be on the alert. We should learn to question and report suspicious persons and movements; and should avoid harbouring unknown persons and of questionable characters/backgrounds.

“PIDAN, the umbrella body of the 56 indigenous ethnic Nationalities in Plateau State is saddened by the resurgence of the circle of the daily annihilation of our people by some suspected Fulani herdsmen and Merchants of deaths; and the destabilization of the relative peace in Plateau State of late.

PIDAN regretted that these resumed and well-coordinated acts, which started in Riyom, spreading to Bassa, Barkin Ladi and Bokkos, had now shifted its “weapons of mass destruction to Mangu Local Government Area of the State stating that the attacks on Riyom, Bassa, Barkin Ladi and Bokkos that has resulted in many deaths, loss of property, farmlands and villages razed beyond recognition.

The organization stated that, not satisfied with their wicked plans, these heavily armed and trained sponsored militia have turned their arsenals on Mangu Local Government Area.

PIDAN maintained that in their evil voyage, the assailants have invaded and in “commodore manner attacked and ravaged about 52 villages in some 6 districts of the local government.

While calling for quick rehabilitation of the affected, PIDAN appealed to both the State and Federal Governments to step up actions to salvage the current situation in Mangu, Riyom, Bassa, Bokkos and Barkin Ladi by safe guarding and securing the entire state.

Gov. Caleb Mutfwang

PIDAN also implored the Governments, to move beyond press statements to taking the bold steps of arresting and taking appropriate actions against all those found to be involved in these attacks.

While commending the newly appointed GOC, 3 Armoured Division, for relocating his base to Mangu LGA, PIDAN urged him to go “full blast after the perpetrators and their sponsors,” trace their hideouts, bases and destroy same.

PIDAN, while sympathizing with the affected, PIDAN appealed to all the citizens of the state to see these attacks as collective and urged them to be of “assistance and ready to defend whoever is affected.”

“We should avoid unguarded statements and to resolve and see these situations as injuries to all of us. We should bury our respective divides and join forces to fight the common enemy.

“We appeal to the Plateau State Government to empower the traditional institution to identify, register and given the power to send away people they suspect have dubious motives.

“We further appeal to the State Government to liaise with the Federal Government to find ways to strengthen Operation Rainbow beyond its present level, for more effective performance and or output.

PIDAN said it was aware of the antics of some unpatriotic elements whose stock in trade was to create falsehood and deride constituted authorities, stating that the organization was particularly irked by the actions and comments of the Secretary of Miyyetti Allah Association of Mangu LGA, one Muhammed Salihu Musa, where he not only spread falsehood but has created tensed situation in Mangu.

“We call on the security agencies to arrest him to substantiate his claims.

God bless Plateau State and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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