ECWA Pastors’ Wives Confab Opens in Jos

A three-day conference for all ECWA pastors’ wives, tagged, ‘ECWA Spiritual Mothers in Ministry’, has kicked off at ECWA Tudun Wada, Jos, Plateau State.

Initiating partner of the conference and ECWA President’s wife, Mrs. Naomi Panya Baba, stated that bringing pastors’ wives to such a conference was a dream come true and said that they would impact and transform one another in the ministry.

ECWA President’s wife Mrs. Naomi Baba Panya addressing The Women at the conference

She noted that their husbands’ ministries would not be complete without the support of their wives, hence the need to create a platform where they could meet and encourage one another on the best ways to assist their husbands.

She thanked the leadership of ECWA Plateau Fellowship Zone for hosting the maiden conference and said that they would work tirelessly to ensure that the church felt their impact to the glory of God.

A cross section of Pastor’s wives at the maiden conference

 She explained that the group was not created to replace the women fellowship, adding, “when the idea came they approached the ECWA Executive who graciously tabled it before the General Church Council and was properly deliberated upon before approving it and said that they will continue to work and harmonize ideas with the women fellowship at all levels for the growth of the church.”

In his speech, the chairman Plateau 8 DCCs, Rev. Dr. David Laje, enjoined the women to seek spirituality as it is the only way to their success in life.

Chairman Plateau 8 DCCs Rev. Dr. David Laje making his remark

He added that the church was in dire need of mothers loaded with the spirit of God who would spent time in teaching others the ways of the Lord.

He cautioned them against gossiping, extorting church members or any acts that could demean the name of God as pastors’ wives were major players in their husbands’ ministries.

Mrs. Makawal Ibrahim, who was given an award for being the first at the conference, said that the event had widened her understanding of their roles as pastors’ wives, adding that she would be a resource not only to her husband but the entire church.

More than 300 pastors’ wives from the Plateau zone attended the conference which is being carried out simultaneously in all ECWA zones.

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