EYCA campers urged to resist satanic agenda

By Danjuma Auta

Teens attending this year’s ECWA Camp Youth Alive(ECYA) from some states in Nigeria have been encouraged to resist the temptation of being blown away by the wind of Satanism, which is happening in many countries of the world, in the name of modernism.

Former ECWA General Secretary and one of the brains behind the establishment of the camp, Rev (Prof) Mipo Ezekiel Dadang, gave this advice while addressing the campers in Lamingo, Jos East Local Government Area, LGA, of Plateau State.

According to him, because ECWA understood the role and importance of youth ministry in the church, when the idea of establishing the camp war mooted, ECWA Executive did not hesitate in giving approval.

He called on the instructors and managers of the camp to maintain the high spiritual legacies established by its founding fathers and continue to mentor and empower the younger ones with both skills and the word of God.

He thanked God that products of the camp had been doing well in their various fields of endeavor and called on parents to enroll their children.

 Meanwhile, about 60 campers attending this year’s ECWA Youth Camp Alive have been offered sponsorship for the 2024 edition.

This was announced by the coordinator of the camp in Jos, Rev. Barry Bass, at the camp site.

Rev. Barry disclosed that the 60 campers were picked from a reading and writing of briefs from three books donated by the Rafiki Foundation.

He disclosed that the books were donated to encourage the reading culture and make others key into the vision and mission of the camp.

According to him, the camp had continued to improve and grow stronger every year as more youths were being mobilized to attend.

He called on parents to invest in the lives of the younger generation to prepare them for the tasks ahead.

Addressing the campers, the Director, Rafiki Foundation Nigeria, Suzy Herbick, thanked God for what ECWA was doing in the lives of the youth and appealed to parents to intensify efforts in caring for their children and give them godly discipline through activities such as the ones provided at the camp.

 Brother Yahaya, while delivering lecture on entrepreneurship stressed the need for young people to develop a mindset of becoming  entrepreneurs since the days of depending on white collar jobs were gone.
He added that the society had become so corrupt that the only way out was by  developing people through adding value to their lives and society at large.
He challenged the youth to wake up from their slumber and start thinking positively to survive the present hardships in the country.

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